I have been serving God for over forty years; my journey is marked with highs and lows. Seeing God up close and experiencing His favor and friendship is the highest of highs and venturing into Doubting Castle, where Giant Despair holds Christians captive has marked my deepest valleys.
I have this incredible history of stepping out in faith and seeing the Holy Spirit do great things, and therein lies the mystery. It was never about me; it was always about God’s purpose and plan. As long as I was willing to be thrust into impossible situations, He did incredible things. Looking back, I see how necessary it was to cling to Him; looking forward, I am just as desperate.
Having faced my giants, I guess I thought I would have an accumulative amount of faith. The odd thing is, I am still weak, and need to experience the Holy Spirit up close. I have no choice; I must encourage myself in the LORD as I await His unveiling of things to come.
Pastor Mike