A Little Boy’s Christmas
Pressing his nose against the windowpane,
A little boy stood peering through the clouded glass.
The falling snow had covered muddy fields stained.
He spoke aloud, "Will this peace on earth last?"
Icicles clinging like ornaments from the branches –
Fields and orchards decked in brilliant white-
In the air, a mysterious stirring of divine romance-
To think that it all began so long ago on Christmas Night…
All of creation is charged with radiant glory,
And in the distance, an angel’s chorus sings.
It is on this day that God would unveil His timeless story,
While heavenly music fills the Night as anthems ring.
Shepherds with utmost care tending their flocks.
My mind now flooded with thoughts of sublime joy,
Wise men make their way with treasures locked.
For to us is born this Night, God‘s infant boy.
I thought ahead to when I would become a man,
"What of this peace on earth?" I said.
For unto us a Son is given by God‘s own hand-
A bright future and glorious hope that cancels all dread.
Years have long since passed, and now I dare say,
To all of those who press their faces to the glass,
I celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas Day,
Who dwells within my heart with peace that lasts!
~ Pastor Mike