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Pastor Mike 

Image by Simon Godfrey

Experiencing Happiness

Is happiness really possible and is happiness dependent on your circumstances? Even in changing circumstances there is a contentment that persists.

Image by Vadim L


God is in the business of miracles, not man. 

Image by Nacho Domínguez Argenta

Jesus Christ

Your answer to who Jesus is has eternal consequences.

Image by Gérôme Bruneau


It’s hard to change our circumstances when we are self focused. 

Image by Oscar Nord

Money Matters

What we do with our money say a lot about what we really believe in. 

Image by Nathan Dumlao


Prayer is said to be hard work. Learn how to pray as you're passing through your day.

Image by leonie

Spiritual Gifts

 Spiritual gifts are directed by the Spirit to build a healthy community of believers.

Image by Rod Long

The Bible

Denying the Bible does not change what has been written.

Image by Nik Shuliahin




Look around and see the condition of society. What part will you play in building up the family?

Image by Evi Radauscher

Being Productive

What keeps you from real productivity? Learning these truths will increase your gain.

Image by Zdeněk Macháček

Facing Fears

Fear can paralyze you and prevent you from seeing God at work. 

Image by Imat Bagja Gumilar

Facing Temptation

We're all tempted.  How we overcome them while growing stronger is what's important.

Image by Laura Vinck

Myth or Reality

When we die do we cease to exist? Is Heaven a real place that God created; or is heaven an invention of weaker minds? 

Image by Polina Rytova

Let God Love You

Can God really love you, considering He knows everything? 

Image by Mike Labrum


Is self motivation enough to change the course we are on, or has God provided a way to address overcoming these obstacles in a tangible way.

Image by Anthony Ievlev

Lasting Freindship

Friendships are forever for those who are in Christ Jesus. Handle these relationships with constant vigilance and keep them in good repair.

Image by Nelson Santos Jr

Spiritual Warfare

Yes this war is real.  Denying it won’t change the fact that you have an enemy trying to hurt you.

Image by Aaron Burden

The Church

How do you feel about your body and how do you care it? What are Jesus’ expectations of us concerning His church?

Image by Frank Huang


Words alone cannot express the value of women. Remember it was women who played a most important role in Jesus’ earthly ministry.

Image by Janosch Diggelmann

Difficult Answers

There are many areas of the Bible that people consider too controversial to explain. Examine a few for yourself.

Image by Mike Erskine


We all sin and sin repeatedly. It is what we do with our sin that will determine how we live life.

Image by Dean


Understanding God’s grace is essential to success.

Image by Joshua Reddekopp

Knowing God

Is it possible to really know God. Can He be known like we know each other? Do you have favor with God? Find out the answers.

Image by Irina Iriser

Marriage & Intimacy

Marriages aren’t built to last; marriages are working relationships that require constant attention. 

Image by Max Saeling

Overcoming Unbelief

Unbelief can paralyze you into inaction. Faith takes hold of God while defying reason and won’t let go, waiting to see God work.

Image by frank mckenna


Learn how to reach those you love without using much words. 

Image by Waranont (Joe)


Strongholds are strategic plans of your adversary to incapacitate and render you ineffective. Tearing them down requires knowledge of the tactics used against you. 



we all go through them

We need to wisdom to face the trials laid for us.

Image by USGS

War Against the Saints 

All of us live in a war zone.  There is no escape from a spiritual battlefield.  Only deliverance.


4life Creations is an online ministry designed to reach a multitude of busy people on the go, who want to learn more about God.  


Phoenix, AZ


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@2015 Created by 4life Ministry 

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